I am an Instructional Designer, Professional Educator, Yoga and Fitness Instructor, and retired Air Force Reserves Veteran .  I have always worn many hats and thrive on juggling several jobs, hobbies and projects at once!  I currently work as the Instructional Designer for a community college in Northwest Alabama. I have been designing and instructing courses since 2005 and have created and instructed both in-person and online courses in Higher Ed and K-12 for students ages 5 to 65. I retired from the Air Force Reserves with 20 years of service and taught fitness and yoga classes for over 22 years. My experiences in the military, K-12 and higher education and the fitness industry have afforded me over 25 years of experience designing, developing and delivering instruction and training to learners of all ages.

I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology and a Master of Education Degree in Foreign Language Teaching. I am currently pursuing a Doctor of Education in Instructional Systems and Learning Technologies at Florida State University.

I have done extensive study abroad in Costa Rica, including a summer term at the University of Costa Rica as well as a comparative ethnographic research study of K-12 education in Costa Rica and the US.  I am currently working on a research project evaluating the perceptions of remote work in the post-Covid era. This research was presented at the AECT conference in October 2023. Upcoming research and presentation projects include Instructor's perceptions of the use of Google Translate in foreign language learning and AI use in Higher Education.

I LOVE to travel, visit museums and historical and cultural sites.  My active hobbies include walking on the beach, hiking, running, yoga, beach volleyball and Latin and Ballroom dancing.  I also enjoy reading, painting, and of course, learning!